Jon Wilton Jon Wilton

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023

It’s nearly October.  Throughout much of the world that means Halloween and Octoberfest (or Orktoberfest: if you know you know), and existential dread as the terrors of Mariah Carey and Wham! Are fast approaching.  However, it also means that Cyber Security Awareness Month is upon us!

This year, the theme is “Be cyber wise – don’t compromise”.

As with every year, there are a wide variety of resources released by government agencies designed to assist people in their own cyber journey, however that doesn’t help us if we don’t know where they are, so CQ Cyber has prepared a short list of these resources.

2023 Cyber Security Awareness Month Resources:

Australian Cyber Security Centre -

The ACSC is Australia’s foremost government authority on cyber security.  They’re part of the Australian Signal’s Directorate (ASD), and are responsible both for protecting all Australians from cyber threats through advice, alerts, and cooperation with academics, as well as private and government agencies.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency-

America’s CISA is the equivalent of our ACSC.  They’re a world leading authority on the protection of computer assets, and their advice is strongly factored in the development of international security standards.

University of Queensland -

UQ are hosting a number of events throughout October intended to assist their students.  If you’re a student of UQ, Griffith University, or the Queensland University of Technology then you can sign up to attend these events either physically or virtually.

CQ Cyber will update this list with other resources as they become available.  Additionally, throughout October we will be releasing articles on the topic of the week with a short list of actions you can take to implement these recommendations yourselves.

If you want to discuss how you can improve your information security and cyber security, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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