Our Services

Cyber Risk Assessments

Do you know what cyber risks your business or organisation faces, and how to deter or prevent a cyber-criminal from targeting you?

CQ Cyber can assist you with the process of understanding what your cyber risk environment looks like, and simple cost-effective actions which you and your staff can take.

Staff Cyber Training

Regular training is a crucial part of keeping our staff and organisations safe. Just as we undertake regular training for Workplace Health and Safety to ensure that people are aware of physical risks, we should also train to improve our awareness and preparedness for cyber incidents.

CQ Cyber can present to staff on this topic, and assist your organisation to develop an appropriate training plan.

Situational Awareness

The cyber security landscape moves quickly, and it’s hard to keep up to date on all of the risks to which your business is exposed. Even if you pay close attention to the news, it’s easy to lose track of which cyber information is relevant to your business, especially when you’re in the midst of doing business.

CQ Cyber can work with you to understand your business-critical equipment, services, and applications, and we can keep an eye on the latest cyber threats and inform you when they may affect you directly.

Cyber Incident Response Planning / Testing

Have you ever undertaken testing of your emergency procedures for natural disasters, evacuation testing in the event of threats to your workplace, and/or testing to determine how quickly plant can be brought back online after a failure? Cyber incidents can have similar impacts on your productivity, and they should be prepared for.

CQ Cyber can aid your organisation in developing Incident Response Plans to get your business back up and running as quickly as possible, and testing that these plans are appropriate.

General Cyber Security Advice

We don’t know what we don’t know. That applies in every field of endeavor, and it can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to start. Sometimes it helps just to have someone to ask.

CQ Cyber can answer some of these questions for you, and will work to put you in touch with people who can answer your questions if they can’t.